
Game Feeder/Broadcaster (85L)
This 85 litre capacity, ATV game feeder is designed to quickly spread your chosen feed in a ride.
A simple manual lever allows your left hand to open and close the flow whilst leaving the motor running (separate switch). This allows the operator to easily feed for short bursts and place the feed exactly where it is required.
The quick attach clamps on the mounting frame allows the removal of the feeder within a minute so the rear rack can be used for other tasks. When used with an ATV the benefits of low ground pressure means there is no significant damage to the ground even when wet.
This model is one of several options Logic offers to ensure the customer can choose the right capacity, spreading width and type of control to meet their specific requirements. Please see other models in the range. If the requirement is for a dedicated slug pelleter please see the Logic electrobroadcaster range.

Game Feeder/Broadcaster (300L)
The EBC-TS range of UTV – ATV Game Feeder/Broadcasters are designed as a top of the range game-feeding system with hopper capacities of 85/130/300 litres.
Each unit features a strong all-welded galvanised frame, polyethylene or stainless steel hopper, stainless steel metering unit and corrosive resistant fixings. All these components are designed to achieve good performance over a long life.
The control box allows control of the feed and disc speed which dictates spread width, offering widths of between 3 and 6 metres approximately. The high output metering system allows the operator to easily feed for short bursts and place the feed exactly where it is required. A precision metering system is available as an option and provides accurate distribution of small seeds/game cover/prilled fertiliser.
The spreading disc has 4 vanes rather than 3, with more height than average spreaders to prevent build up of material on the disc.
For similar products see EBC-TS130PH and EBC-TS85PH.

Game Feeder LGF
The standard UTV/ATV Game Feeder LGF hopper has a capacity of 340 litres or 610 litres with the extended hopper fitted.
Whenever game needs to be fed with flowable feed, such as grains or pellets, the Game Feeder provides the perfect solution.
Easy towing is a particular advantage, especially in wooded terrains or over moorland.
The LGF copes superbly, having been designed and constructed for rugged durability and yet is light enough not to over-stress the towing vehicle.
Its unique features make it not only the best mechanical feeder available but also the quality and robustness of its design and construction ensures it will outlast any other towed mechanical feeder.
The feed rate is easily adjustable and the spread width is approximately 3 metres.
The standard unit comes with 25×10-12 wheels and tyres, however different wheel/tyre combinations are available depending upon individual requirements.
The standard specification LGF has a remote on/off switch, operable from the driving/riding position.
Mudguards and tonneau covers are available (different sizes for standard and extended hoppers).

Multi Feeder LMF
Our standard UTV/ATV Multi Feeder LMF hopper has a capacity of 356 litres/320kg or with the extension hopper 625 litres/500kg (depending on feed type).
The very simple, robust electrical system which operates the drop mechanism gives the Logic Multi-feeder the huge advantage of being able to drop piles of food a minimum of 10 feet apart which means the sheep have plenty of space to feed. This offers huge benefits to the livestock as it prevents any bruising of pregnant ewes as well as trampling or mis-mothering of lambs. The multifeeder offers the same benefits of space between animals when feeding cattle – by driving slightly faster the feed is deposited further apart.
In addition, the drop quantity can be adjusted between 1lb and 4lb to meet ground conditions and flock/herd size.
There is a re-settable counter which is attached to the front carrier of an ATV or if a Land Rover/UTV is used, housed in the cab next to the operator – this means the operator can feed the stock on the move and the amount of feed is accurately monitored and controlled. This unit has excellent ground clearance with the design of the delivery chute preventing any build up of mud, snow, etc. which would stop the feed flowing efficiently.
Logic introduced the original ‘Snacker’ (Snacka) more than twenty years ago and since then its design has often been copied but never beaten. It has been improved upon and developed and is now the Logic Multi-feeder.