Weed Control

Tractor Mounted Sprayer System
The Logic Three Point Linkage Mounted Sprayer Range incorporates a 3 point linkage mounting frame so you can use your 270 litre sprayer unit on your tractor or compact tractor.

Deck Mounted Sprayer DMS390
The Logic Deck Mounted Sprayer Range has been designed to fit onto the rear cargo space of a UTV (utility vehicle) or onto the flatbed of a pickup or trailer.

On Board Sprayer 130 litre OBS130
The Logic 130 litre on-board sprayer range has been designed to fit onto the rear carrier rack of an ATV.

On Board Sprayer (60L) OBS60
The Logic 60 litre on-board sprayer range has been designed to fit onto the rear carrier rack of an ATV. Each nozzle requires an output of between 1.0 and 1.6 litres per minute at a spraying pressure of between 2 and 3 bars.